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Diets Collection

Diets Collection

As the title suggests, this ap

  • 类型:健康健美
  • 评分:0.00
  • 年龄要求:4+
  • 是否收费:免费
  • 语言: "EN"
  • 星级:
  • 上传者:Traian Cretu
  • 更新时间:2024-03-01 01:41:53

As the title suggests, this app represents a collection of diets in various caloric intervals.

It provides a wide range of “daily menus” examples with all seasons sugestions and vegan options also. If you need or want to start a nutrition plan and you do not know how to start you should take a look.

The diets are made having in mind a healthy, balanced living style with clean eating. For each day you will see the amount of calories, proteins, carbs, fats and cholesterol values.

Disclaimer: This app was developed for informational purposes. It should not be considered a replacement to a physician, nutritionist, or dietitian. Consult a professional before using any diet plan in the app.

Minor bug fixes

相关TAG: 健康健美 美食佳饮


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